What time of the day should we have our family session?
I can photograph in any available light, so regardless of the time, rest assured your photographs will be gorgeous.
But! If you want that gorgeous golden back lit look - this can only be achieved an hour or two before sunset. In the summer months, this can be difficult with our sunsets being so late, but I urge you to keep the kids awake that little bit longer, it will be so so worth it!
In the Autumn and Winter months our sunsets are earlier and our sunrises are later. So early in the morning or late afternoon is just perfect in Autumn and Winter.
If we're due for a cloudy day (the norm here in Ireland!), any time will do because the clouds act like a huge soft box, giving beautiful light and skin tones.
I urge my families to wait until an hour or two before sunset if possible for their sessions, on the chance that the sun might appear and we might be greeted with gorgeous skies, golden light and that golden hour magic.
See for yourself.
Here is a recent session taken one hour before sunset in August. It was late, the kids didn't get to bed at their usual hour (it was the weekend, this was a fun adventure and it's allowed!) See how the sunrise can add magic and beauty to your photo session.
Lets plan our sessions for sunset! (and if it happens to be cloudy, they'll still be magical, but its worth the risk!)
I had the most amazing time photographing this gorgeous family at the Lough Crew Cairns, Oldcastle, Co Meath.
This was my second time to photograph them and I loved every minute!
Golden hour session, Oldcastle, Co Meath.
